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Call Social Services- British society has long-term plan to abuse newly-born child.

                                                    Happy Birthday !

           The new British Royal Prince has barely been on the planet 24 hours but he has already been put to work. His job as Prince (name) of Cambridge has already been decided. Isn't this compulsory labour ? Won't his child-hood be shadowed by the expectation to act according to his job?  Shouldn't we at least ask him if he wants to be a Prince?
           Not satisfied with child exploitation, British society will be grooming him for his future job that, in all probability, will be 40 or 50 years from now. It has already been decided that, at some point in the future he will become King. And we expect him to be King until he his dead.
          So that's the little fellow's life mapped out for him then. How kind of us. No wonder we can't contain our excitement.

          Before catching his first breath, before any chance to look around or smile at his mum, it has been ordered that this child's natural abilities and hopes and desires will all be subsumed to the role that we have already decided for him. It will not matter if he dreams of being a footballer or an artist, or of living in a cave in Scotland. We know what we want, and his wants don't, and won't, come into it. Isn't this just a bit cruel?

           Clearly, Britain likes having a Royal family. The phrase is often heard that our Royal family makes you "proud to be British." Are we really proud of bullying infants and encouraging a culture that suggests some people are born special and others are not ? Doesn't this kind of culture positively reek of Naziism?
           But, how can this be when we are taught so clearly that the plucky Brits stood firm against the evils of Hitler ?
           As always, information gives idea-

                                 Herr Hitler invites us into his lovely home.

           This is from the November 1938 edition of the British magazine Homes and Gardens. The article takes us Hello-style through the sophisticated living quarters of the man who that very month was to order Kristallnacht.  Corporate Britain of the time didn't seem to find too much disagreeable in the "droll raconteur " who kindly gave a "fun-fair" for local children.

           Corporate Britain of now, sees nothing disagreeable in the current system that happily robs a child of his possible dreams even before his umbilical has been cut, in order to perpetuate a society where we are allowed tantalising glimpses of the top of Mount Olympus thanks to a media that exists to make a profit from the gods that they create.
            And all of this made possible by a culture of anti-communication.

         The Nazis
were very big on anti-communication.
I thought we won,  didn't we ?


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