Look, robot, the stars are coming out... Me: Can we play a game? (ChatGPT) Of course! What kind of game would you like to play? I have some information I'm thinking of, and you ask and check to try to find it as quickly as you can. The only rule is I cannot directly say the answer, I have to describe and explain it. So direct questions are allowed. For example, if the answer is "Australia", and you ask: "what is it?", I will say "a country". You can then ask "which ?" and "What kind of ?" etc. ChatGPT Got it! Let's give it a try. Go ahead and think of something, and I'll start asking questions to try and figure it out. Ok. PLease ask. ChatGPT Great! Here's my first question: What category does it belong to? Sorry, just to be clear, this is not 20 questions, you can be more direct. You can start with: "what is it?" ChatGPT Got it! Let's start again. What is it? For example: Hokkaido. ...
Around the time of the anniversary of Apollo 11, or of the famous assassination in Dallas, the clip of President John F. Kennedy talking about going to the Moon has often been wheeled out: Ever since I saw this for the first time, maybe 35 years ago, I was always slightly baffled by the phrase: "We choose to go to the Moon and do the other things , not because they are easy, but because they are hard." What does "and do the other things" mean, I wondered? Why did Kennedy just presume his audience would know what these other things were? Or was it some sophisticated rhetorical device that I was unaware of? Should I start using it to give whatever I was saying some much-needed gravitas? However, just last week I happened upon a fuller version of the speech: Clearly then, the other things are referring to the climbing of Everest and the flying of the Atlantic, conquering the challenges necessary for progress. With context, it is obvious what "and do the other th...